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FreeDict — Takeaway Dictionaries

FreeDict is a project to provide truly free translation dictionaries for any use case scenario. I'm proud to announce that our dictionaries are now available for you as a "takeaway" using Aard2, a modern dictionary client for Android. In this article, I'm going to give an overview what has been …

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Sharing Text Between CLI and GUI clipboard

For blind programmers using text editors like Vim, the command line is in most cases the most convenient work environment on GNU/Linux. On the other hand, some tasks are not possible on a virtual tty, like for instance, browsing complex web pages. The only alternative is to constantly switch …

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GPG — Value The Privacy Of Your E-Mail

GPG is a widely unknown encryption and signing service for electronic mail. Its features can be handy: you can safely deliver banking information via e-mail when using GPG or verify the authenticity of the sender of a message. I wil describe the basic setup for a GPG key, GPG configuration …

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Own Radio Stream With Icecast

I like to listen my music everywhere where I want:wq , not only at the computer . My smart phone has not enough space for all my music and anyway, I don't like to keep the music on my notebooks and my smart phone synchronized. Therefore a own streaming server is …

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Tunneling Ports Behind NAT over SSH

It can be useful to make a service from your machine available for others, might it be a http server, a game server or even a icecast streaming server. Unfortunately the pain called NAT can prohibit that sometimes. The simple solution is to forward the port from your local machine …

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